A significant redesign that promises to enhance Google Ads usability and functionality is underway. Google has been rolling out these changes over the past year and will officially launch them on August 30. On that date, the old Google Ads interface will sunset and only the new design will be available on desktop. Google has announced that it will continue to fully support existing features and tools. We’ve got the information you need about the upcoming changes, their implications, and how to navigate the transition.
What’s Different About the New Google Ads Interface?
Google Ads’ new design focuses on streamlining navigation and improving the overall user experience. The redesigned interface offers several benefits, but it comes with a learning curve. Key changes include:
- New Navigation Menu: The updated interface now features a left-side menu that groups pages into five high-level categories: Campaigns, Goals, Tools, Billing, and Admin.
- Reorganized Interface: Tools and features are now organized by related tasks. New categories including “Goals” and “Audiences, Keywords, and Content” have been added to improve ease of use and provide deeper insights.
Read more about the new Google Ads interface:
Marketers Respond to the Updated Google Ads Interface
Many marketers have had access to the new Google Ads interface for months. It’s no surprise that some have mixed feelings about the changes. In one Reddit poll, opinions ranged from “I switched to the new design as soon as it was rolled out. I kinda like it.” to “It’s TERRIBLE.” Specific issues included, “Doesn’t fit as much info on my screens,” and “They removed the top navigation bar with the big dropdown menu that allowed you to access multiple areas of the tool in a single click. Now if I want to access something from there, it takes more steps.”

Experienced marketers seem to be taking the change in stride. Reddit user matty-j-mod says, “[I’ve] been running Google Ads campaigns for 15 years and have been through so many UI updates that it doesn’t even bother me anymore.” On YouTube, Rob from Clicks Geeks says, “Do not panic. They just made it look different. You’re still going to run your campaigns the exact same way.”
Navigating the Google Ads Update
Using the new Google Ads interface will be mandatory soon. To ensure campaign optimization without interruption, marketers who have not yet begun using the updates should start now. Here are four recommendations from the Amplytics team to smooth your transition:
1. Educate Your Staff
Conduct comprehensive training sessions to ensure that all team members are familiar with the new layout and features. Hold interactive sessions where team members can explore the new design in a guided setting. Be sure to tailor training for different positions within your team to explore specific needs and functionalities relevant to their tasks. Establish a way for team members to support each other and share information internally.
2. Investigate the Interface
Spend dedicated time navigating the new design to understand where tools and features are located. Encourage team members to explore the new interface at their convenience. Experiment with the new layout and functionalities without impacting actual performance by setting up models and practicing.
3. Update Processes
Begin by looking for places where changes need to be made to align with the new design. Revise your current workflows to incorporate the new navigation and reporting capabilities. Finally, assess the effectiveness of new processes and adjust as needed.
4. Utilize Resources
Google is updating its Help Center documentation and creating additional resources to aid marketers in adjusting to the change. Take advantage of tutorials, webinars, and support articles to get up to speed quickly. Search Google’s library for step-by-step guidance on the new features and functionalities and refer to detailed Google’s detailed documentation for in-depth information and troubleshooting. Participate in live events hosted by Google to ask questions and receive real-time feedback.
Continuous Monitoring Remains a Critical Strategy
As with any major platform update, continuous monitoring will remain crucial to maintaining agility. The new Google Ads interface may affect campaign performance in unexpected ways, and staying vigilant will help you respond quickly to any issues. Monitor key metrics to detect any significant performance changes that the new interface may cause. Use real-time data to optimize campaigns, adjusting as necessary and ensuring that your efforts remain effective.
For maximum success, automate campaign monitoring and triage as the new Google Ads interface rolls out – and beyond. Try Amplytics free today.